Sunday, February 14, 2010

It was fun!

Gosh, too bad if you had other things to do Saturday evening: the contra dance was lots of fun, and there would have been room for you on the dance floor. The music provided by "Skiffle Symphony" was terrific.

Toward the end of the evening I announced that I would be taking some photographs for posting here. Immediately the crowd thinned out. Well, okay, that's an exaggeration; the crowd usually thins out at the end anyhow.

I discovered that my little point and shoot digital is not the most efficient equipment for that kind of shooting. The lag time between clicking and actually capturing the image is s-l-o-w, and the charge time for the flash is even slower. But okay, I got a shot that sort of gives the flavor, and here it is. Next month I'm going to try taking photos with my phone. They may be better! Why don't you join us? Wear something bright colored, and a smile is always in order. I'll have the poster up in the next few days.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Come to the February Contra Dance!

Last weekend I drove to Eureka and was surprised to see cherry trees already in bloom. That's not happening yet in Ukiah, but our hearts are ready to blossom! Join us for the Contra Dance and warm your heart, nourish your soul, enjoy great music and companionship. Exercise those smile muscles. See you there!